Book Reviews

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Unity & Identity

“Unity & Identity” this theme was given for discussion in the student seminar held at Sokendai. There were students and professors from different countries and field of study, giving an ambience to an emerging thought over the theme. Prominent amongst the opinions was, “unity gives an identity”. Here I present few of my thoughts which came to mind during the seminar.

During the seminar I also observed that students were sitting according to their native belongingness (student from same country sitting together). Was that unity? Or were they in search of identity of being and belonging to a similar nation state? I agree that this is an accepted trend where in people of same belongingness get closer almost certainly to search an identity in that unity! This observation can be compared to one of the trend, “like attracts like” observed in neuroscience where in like neurons having similar computation are more likely to form synaptic connection with each other(Mitchison, 1992 & Dombeck, 2009).

Unity of Identical! Accepted, (like peas in the same pod after all!) This unity based on identical might be constructive provided the individuals remain unbiased towards themselves and their unit as in the case of neurons (but Impossible in human context!) coz once you become biased you are no more a science.

Then how does diversity unite?

Well I don’t know how does they unite but I can guess one sole character in which they should.



  1. what about purity of ........................?

  2. I guess its a mixed thing.. its individual identitiy and group unity any human seeks.. even when sitting together as pert heri countries for the lecture here they surely would have in their minds how to take a step further and get on the podium one day ... End of the day Darwin surely gave us the right principles .. :)

  3. Very true Ullas, I strongly believe that all the activities which we as an individual do either in conscious or unconsciousness mode is just to promote "self". Being together with those of your native belongingness may be another approach of self “promotion” (It’s my own subjective and questionable argument which seems parallel to the Dawkins theory of “selfish gene”). I guess Darwin never mentioned about selection which an individual makes he talked about selection as a group and population phenomenon in which we don’t select but are selected.
